8 - Major Reasons - Why People Fail In Network MArketing

8 major reasons why people fail in network marketing

They don’t take the business seriously

Many people think this business is a short term
People think that to qualify in business you need a large capital
First you must take the business seriously, and then only you prosper

Doubt is a big killer
Stay away from dream stealers
Remember: The SW policy – some will join, some won’t join, so what? , Somebody Else is waiting!
Nobody and no business has 100% success rate. Rejections are a part of the networking business.
Instead of getting discouraged, why not learn from the experience?
Don’t focus on “oh my! I am rejected! “Instead focus on “Why am I rejected?”

They don’t invest time to be trained to master the business

Spend time to learn about the industry, the company and the business plan
The more you know, the more you can represent the business, and the more confident you will become.
Train your leaders! But train yourself first.

They think it is a quick rich business

This is a get – rich – sure business, not a get rich quick business.
If you want to get succeed in this business, you have to think like a FARMER
People fail in this business because they only want to ripen the fruits on the harvest, while they don’t intended to go through the efforts of ploughing the fields, planting the seeds, fertilizing the soil and watering the sprouts.
If you want a large organization and improve the financial benefits, you must be willing to pay the price.
You must be willing to miss out a few pleasures and functions for a few months.
Nurture people and make them leaders, but the whole process takes time.

They have no focus

All successful people are focused
The first rule of warfare is focusing out your strength
Don’t get disturbed by petty problems

They don’t know how to present the business

All big earners in this industry know how to present the business plan systematically
If you don’t know how to present the business properly and handle objections, people wont take you seriously
If you can learn how to present, you can spread the business anywhere

They don’t look at the future

People who fail only see today
Focus on what your organization will look like with in 6 months from now, 1 year from now, 2 year from now.
Your financial future in this business will be determined by what you do or do not do over the next few months.

People who fail have NO vision

All success starts with vision, without vision, people perish.
Vision gets people going, gets people alive
From vision – come your goals, and then determine what your target is
Don’t take it lightly. Ask often, “Do I have a vision? “, what target I am going to hit? “